News Archive

Late July Announcements
Here are a couple of announcements for the rest of the month. 7/23/2022 (Saturday): Deep dojo cleaning from noon. 7/30/2022 (Saturday): No adult class.
Dojo News for July
July is here already with just a couple announcements: On Monday, 7/4, the dojo will be closed in observance of Independence Day. From 7/29 through 7/31, San Diego Aikikai will be hosting a seminar with Ea Murphy Sensei of Tacoma Aikikai…
Training Guidelines Update
Effective 3/12/2022, North County Aikikai members and visitors are no longer required to wear face coverings within the dojo. Of course, anyone is still welcome to wear a face covering…
New Masking Requirement
In response to California Department of Public Health’s new facial covering guidance, North County Aikikai will be requiring all members and visitors to wear a facial covering while in the dojo, effective December 15th, 2021, until further notice.
COVID-19 Safety Policy
Effective 9/1/2021, North County Aikikai will observe the following safety protocols: Any new member (regular or visiting) over the age of 12 years who wish to participate in class at North County Aikikai must show proof of vaccination prior to beginning practice…
In Memory of JD Sandoval Sensei
North County Aikikai is truly saddened by the passing of JD Sandoval, Sensei, a valued, respected and much loved member of our aikido community. Many of us have met him over the years at one of our camps or when he came to our dojo to teach a seminar. He would arrive with a group…
Training Guideline Update
After the June 15th California state reopening, North County Aikikai will resume body arts training with contact with others during adult classes. We will strive to protect the safety of members as much as possible. NCA instructors have been fully vaccinated. Facial covering will no longer be required at the dojo. However, we still highly…
Updated Indoor Schedule
North County Aikikai Modified Indoor Training Schedule: Regular one-hour classes will be held on the following days: Wednesday Evenings 6:15-7:30pm Saturday Mornings 10:15-11:45am The focus will be on conditioning and weapons. Everyone is required to wear a mask, have their temperature taken as they enter the dojo, and to sign in. Please bring your own water!…

Get Connected
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. If you or your child would like to observe a class, please contact us for more information or stop by during a scheduled class.
North County Aikikai
501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization
Member of Birankai North America
813 Academy Drive, Solana Beach, CA 92075
northcountyaikikai@gmail.com | 858.792.8061
© 2022 North County Aikikai. All Rights Reserved.