Dojo News for April

On Sunday, April 21st, from 8 – 9 am, Leslie Cohen who leads the Scripps Ranch Zen group will be coming to our dojo with a group of her students, to sit with us.  There will be a one hour sitting period with a break in the middle.  This will be followed for those who’d like to do so, with a group walk in Annie’s Canyon, Solana Beach ( This is a beautiful approximately hour long walk along the lagoon.  Anyone is welcome to join the sitting.  Please let me know if you are interested.
We will be hosting our Fundraising Seminar to be held at our dojo on Saturday, April 27th.  I hope you can all attend.  It will be a great day of training and an opportunity to take classes from each of the chief instructors in our SoCal Region:  3 Shihan and 2 high ranking shidoin!  April 26 is O’Sensei’s Memorial Day so we will be practicing with special gratitude for what he has given us.
Looking Ahead:
  • Friday May 10 to Sunday, May 12, Sesshin with Genjo Marinello Osho at SDA.  If you haven’t sat zazen before and have questions about it, please come and talk to me.
  • Saturday, June 8, NCA will host a one-day seminar for Didier Boyet Shihan.  Please put this on your calendar.  Didier will also be the visiting chief instructor for our dojo during the month of June while I am away.  
  • Birankai Summer Camp is scheduled for July 24 – 30th in Tacoma, WA.  If you are held back from going by financial considerations, please let me know.  Birankai has a number of scholarships to offer support for students to be able to attend Camp this year.  It is necessary to get a request in at the earliest possibility.
  • Women’s Aikido Camp, Santa Fe, NM from September 12 – 15.  The camp is open to women aikidoists from all organizations and there are a limited number of spaces.  It is advisable to sign up well in advance.
  • Fall seminar at Aikido Daiwa with Miyamoto Shihan, October 18-20.
Our beautiful dojo remains empty during the daytime, during the weekdays.  We are looking for like-minded people and practices to rent the space.  If you have any ideas or suggestions or people groups who might be interested, please let me know.