February is here already. The Dojo was off to a good start after the holiday break with our first practice on the 5th of January. Representing our junior section, Zoe got to pick the dojo’s koan for the year, a quotation from O’Sensei. In the past, each member selected their own koan, but who remembers it by the end of the year?! So this year, ONE was chosen for the whole dojo, and it is for each one of us to keep in mind. Let’s hold on to it and understand how it is an inherent part of our practice.
“To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.”
In January we also held our second self-defense workshop: “Protect Yourself”. It was well attended, informative, energetic and fun. We have received a lot of positive feed-back and intend to hold it again in 3 months time. Thank you RC for all you did to make it successful and to all our members who participated.
Looking Ahead:
- February 22 to 24, Didier Boyet Shihan will be at Aikido Daiwa (see attached flyer for details). The Saturday class begins at 1:00 pm. Please sign up at the dojo if you are intending to go and also if you would like to car-pool. I encourage everyone who can to attend.
- The next test date in the dojo will be on Saturday, March 2. Sara and Daniel are holding free practice sessions on Sunday afternoons for test prep. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding testing.
- June 4 through the month, Didier Sensei will be the chief instructor at NCA. We will be hosting a one-day weapons/Iaido seminar with him on June 15th, Saturday. This will be a great opportunity to intensify your practice with another master teacher.
- Birankai Summer Camp once more at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. Please note the dates and plan to be there: July 24 to the 30. Our dojo always has one of the largest groups of students attending so you know how worthwhile it is to experience other great teachers and students who are part of our Birankai family.
- September 6 to 8, the Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba will be the guest instructor at a seminar in the Bay Area to be hosted by the CAA (the California Aikido Association).
- Once more, the Women’s Aikido Camp will be held in Santa Fe, NM, from September 12 – 15. This camp is open to women aikidoists of all organizations and there are a limited number of spaces. It is advisable to sign up well in advance:
- Fall seminar at Daiwa … I’m very excited to announce that Miyamoto Sensei will be teaching a seminar at Daiwa, October 25 – 27.
With appreciation,
– Sensei
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