Dojo News for January

I hope you have enjoyed your holiday with family and friends and are looking forward positively to the New Year.  I have heard so many people express their wishes for peace and balance to return to our lives.  How grateful I am that we have our aikido practice to anchor us in these principals, and to know that we are not only supported by our Birankai family, but are also part of a world wide community of like minded and practicing people. 2019 was off to a good start in the dojo with a 1,000 cut bokken suburi practice.  The group was small, the participants’ effort huge!  And what a release at the end to get through this challenge!  What a way to start the New Year!  Congratulations to everyone who participated.
Looking Ahead:
  • Sunday January 20th, from 1 – 4 pm, a FREE self defense class to be held in our dojo, ‘How to Protect Yourself’, to be  led by RC.  Please spread the word to your friends, colleagues at work, coffee houses where you hang out etc!  We hope that it will prove to be a doorway to introduce people to our dojo and to show the relationship of aikido practice to protect ourselves in daily life.  We hope that all students will come and take part in this effort.  There will be something for everyone here.  If you have any questions please talk to RC.
  • February 22 to 24, Didier Boyet Shihan at Aikido Daiwa.
  • The next test date in the dojo will be Saturday, March 2.
  • June 4 through the month, Didier Sensei will be the chief instructor at NCA.  During that time we will be hosting a one-day weapons/Iaido seminar. This will be a great opportunity to intensify your practice with another master teacher!
  • Birankai Summer Camp once more at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. Please note the dates and plan to be there:  July 24 to the 30. Our dojo always has one of the largest groups of students attending so you know how worthwhile it is to experience other great teachers and students who are part of our Birankai family.
  • September 6 to 8, the Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba will be the guest instructor at a seminar in the Bay Area to be hosted by the CAA (the California Aikido Association).
  • Once more, the Women’s Aikido Camp will be held in Santa Fe, NM, from September 12 – 15.  This camp is open to women aikidoists of all organizations and there are a limited number of spaces.  It is advisable to sign up well in advance.
  • NCA hopes to host a Fall seminar.  It is presently under discussion.
A very Happy New Year to all of you.
– Sensei