Dojo News for October

Our seminar with Jobe Groot Sensei approaches fast.  It will be on Saturday, October 22 & Sunday, 23. You will have a rich opportunity to experience the teaching of a more recent member of our Birankai community from Canada. I have trained with him and was greatly impressed by his approach to aikido. You will also be pleased to hear that Mi Ranchito Mexican Restaurant will be catering our dinner once again.  I hope you will all be able to stay and enjoy it.
In order to open up a little more time to prepare for our 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION in November, the date has been changed from Saturday the 12th to SATURDAY the 19th.  It will be a one day event with a big evening party!  You have all contributed to the building of our dojo and I want to celebrate it with you!  I hope that you can ALL come.  Watch out for further developments!